Trekker Peterpatterpot

that's me.....Peterpatterpot, the adventurous carefree traveller !!  I am ageless, timeless, charming and most importantly all the girls find me simply "CUTE" and "IRRESISTABLE" ! hee hee..... In this adventure thru Nepal, I was crawling along the trek with my little red backpack, sunblock and totally free spirit, and my new found village girl fren stumbled over some weird footprints..... YES!  YES! .. its  " ABOMINOBAL SNOWMAN " ... ( pls correct spelling )
For your interests, our findings are in a cookie jar sent to the Archaelogical Dept in UtaJaya for further evaluation.
 (contact Ms.Penny - Head of Scientists )   
Till my next adventure travels..... cheers !
if you think I'm cute, click on my video..
oops rating PG, 18+, XXX !