Friday, March 26, 2010

...simply breathtaking..

Poonhill trekkers taking a break in Annapurna Mtn range...
The Nepal is derived from Nepa. The old name of Katmandu Valley was Nepa in Nepal Bhasa, the language of Newars the early inhabitants of th valley. It has also been suggested that the name comes from the Tibetan niyampal, which means "holy land".
For a small country, Nepal has a great physical diversity, ranging from the Tarai Plains, the northern rim of the Gangetic Plain about 300masl in south to the almost 8800masl Mt Everest, locally known as Sagarmatha in the north. The rhythm of life in Nepal is intrinsically intertwined with its physical environment.

...I am Peterpatterpot.
I totally enjoyed the journey, the experiences shared with my 5 girlfrens, even tho' most times I'm in the backpack and squashed among the clothes. Absorbing the colorful culture, admiring the architecture, chilling out in their pubs in Katmandu, trekking thru remote pretty villages up to the magnificent mountains of the Annapurna Range, the amazing scenery simply sweeps me off my paws ...
please click on the "directory" for places we visited or click on "Extras " for our do's & dont's.
and so begins the adventures of Peterpatterpot...